Lil Gun Hornet Load ?
Well, I finally got a pound of Lil Gun to test out some loads for the Hornet. I did up 5 test loads at 13, 13.2 & 13.4 ea. I screwed up though, never had a load miss a standard 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper (8" high, 4" left), so only saw the results of the 13.4 load, which weren't bad, but the primers (Rem 6 1/2) were well popped, so my question is:
How low for a load can you go with Lil Gun in the hornet? 12 or 12.5 OK? I'm not looking for power, but rather accuracy at 100 meters. I don't think it's that low to hurt anything and probably worth a try, especially with using RWS cases, which are thicker. 13.4 close to topped off the case. Rocky the hornetmeister, may knoweth the antwort, Waismannsheil, Dom. |