Most accurate .22 magnum ammo
Just curious as to what you folks have found to be the most accurate .22 magnum ammo. I'm thinking about trying something new......rabbit sniping! The areas I hunt for bunnies are HEAVILY hunted state lands.....the rabbits become attuned to this late in the season and dart for the holes the minute they hear a car door slam. Walking them up with a shotgun is almost an impossiblity, so I was thinking about sneaking in to within 50-60 yards of their dens just before first light or right at dusk and taking them as they headed for or left thier dens. Since I am limiting myself to head and chest shots here, I am not really concerned with so much with penetration/expansion as I am with pure accuracy. Does anyone make a "match grade" .22 magnum ammo? Thanks in advance.
If your dog thinks that your the greatest, don't go seeking a second opinion!