chuck my 270wsm for leo scope???
ive been debateing latly wether or not i should get red of my wsm to fund the glass for my 22/50.
ive got my 270win that will fill the wsms shoes nicely. but i cant seem to talk my self into partying with it. today i was ready. i was gona take it to my gunshop buddy and see how much id lose my but on it. payed right at 700 bucks for it set up with leo rings id like atleast 500 for it. that might be pushn it for used unscope rifle. but id give it up with dies and all. butr still havent completly talked myself into it. one day im at work and all ready to do it then a few hours later im thinkn im crazy, lol i dunno i hate getn rid of good guns. i also cant see dropn almost 900 cash for scope either when i basicaly have two 270wins, just ones got short fat case and shoots balisticaly about identical to the other. what to do. lol and i would never harp on myself for havn two 22/250s, gota have one set up with highpower glass and the other as my walk around rig. what do you think. give it up or keep the wsm and try and save the 900 Evan |