What a kid!!
I just have to share this with yall.
Needless to say it kinda made my day at the time and also made me miss ALL my GRANDkids too!!!!!!(81/2 at present) I recently saw an item on the net that told of a teacher that asked her 1st grade students to name the "Four Seasons" She said one kid raised his hand and said......."Pepper, salt, Shake and Bake and Butter". A neat answer BUT, Positive and sure of a "keerect" answer from any of MY GRANDS, I asked my 7 year old Grandson the same question......Can you name the four seasons?.................... Are you ready for this????????????? He thought for just a minute and answered......................."well, there's Deer season. Elk season.................." Ha!! He's gonna work out jest fine !!!! RR |