really would like to go prairie dog hunting
i have a few friends that years ago would load up and go out west montana i believe and for several days they would shoot up 1000 rounds of a variety of stuff - now they all have gone seperate ways but i always wanted to take the 10 days off and go with them but i never did - anyhow now that i have so many hours of vacation that i must take or give up then i have to give this some thought - i wouldnt even know where to begin to look for information on going - these fellas knew someone out there that was glad to have them come shoot the varmints but i dont know where they went or who they hunted on - anyhow if any of you fellas can point me in the right direction i sure would appreciate it - i believe they always went in the fall but i guess these varmints dont have a hunting season or do they and is it common for people just go and look for a farmer that has a huge farm with this problem- i have a couple of buddies that would like to go with me and split the gas bill lol - anyone ever done this before and if so give me some of the details - is there a season and what state is this most common in and do the farmers advertise somewhere and what about lodging - this is all just a dream but i would like to look into it because some day it may happen