weaver t-36 problems maybe
i have been cussing this 204 ruger in 700 adl remington for months but a local gun store owner took it and glass bed- trigger work and shot it some with factory stuffand said it was the scope and i need to send it back - both the gun and scope are new - sometimes it would shoot in the same hole then the next time it might be off 6 inches -- the reason i picked the scope - i have read so many times that they were great scopes for the money and held zero forever - well he says this is the exception and i need to send it back - he said he has never seen a bad weaver but believes this is the first - he said you can dry fire the gun and see it- well i dont know what i am looking for but i will send it back without question but i am curious of two things - how many of you fellas have had a bad weaver and what is it that i am going to see in the scope when i dry fire it thanks scoot