Lilred's Rant of the Week..Give em a brake
I was comin home from work today..on the 4 lane..2 vehicles decide to both go 50, one in the left lane and the other in the right both runnin side-by-side and neither one of em movin. And who was in front of Lilred?? Preytell..it was some high-falootin woman in her SUV doin her hair..now..THAT in itself riles me up. But the worse part is..you KNOW that her SUV aint never hit a dirt road, much less anything to waller yer truck in..so why buy the dam thing?? Can somebody explain WHY you would buy a 40,000$ vehicle..and never USE it?? I aint never in all my born days ever seen the likes of such..
Ok..I'm gittin off track here.. anyways..she would not move iffin it saved her life! Well ya know..some people dont ride around all day watchin their mobile TV and callin their onstar fer directions to the nearest friggin bathroom...they are doin what ya call.....workin...*gasp* and they wanna git the hell home fore midnite! Still off track..sorry..so neither one of em would move over..and I was so mad that smoke was comin out my ears. I figgered..iffin she wont gonna move..that maybe a mean face and a bumper fulla Chevy would make her move. That aint werk either..she wont payin nary a bit of attention. The dam world coulda been blown to smithereens and that poor fool wouldnt notice a dam thing. She FINALLY turned off, and I shot outta there like a bullet from a gun, and in doin so, I kinda goofed. I passed this (yep, another dammed SUV) with this bumper sticker that said "Wildlife...give em a brake!" Freinds..I was seein red...what in God's name does THAT supposed to mean?? There was smaller writin under it, but to be honest..I blew by em to fast to get a good look at the small print, but I did glance over only to see another prissy woman drivin. But..what is that supposed to mean?? Give em a brake...yeah..like we dont hit the brakes when we see an animal in the road. We try to hit em! Just mow em all down..we'll divvy out the dog tenderloin and possum legs later. Iffin one of ya'll would kindly explain that to me I would appreciatte it..just seems like some stupid PETA thing to me. Maybe I'm wrong... I'm still riled up over the truck/suv thing lol
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam |