i couldnt have done any better in a all around rifle and caliber
ive been shooting my 2506 alot latly and started thinkn about things.
ive decided that i couldnt have done any better in rifle selection and caliber, the rifle purchase was on a whim and it being good was pretty much just luck. the rifle is rugers walnut blued m77 mkII caliber is the 2506. barrel lenght is 24" and is a magnum taper. the rifle shoots better than i can and is a dream . i have never bedded or floated the barrel and probly never will, not the way its shooting now. it doesnt shoot like my 22/250 but its not far from it. itl shoot varmits to elk with need be and has just become apart of me. i got to thinkn that i could have spent so much more on a suposebly better more acurate rifle. these rifles only cost 475 new. others cost 300 or 400 bucks more and i feel ive gotten the acuracy that these more exspensive rifles have. ive had the rifle somewhere around 4 years now and its had a ton of rounds through it and still shoots 10 shot groups through a smoken hot barrel to my standerds. well i guess id have to check on that. been probly a year since i punched paper with it the only mod to the rifle has been a trigger tune that i did myself. i did some research asked around alot and finaly ended up tackling it myself. did some polishing and got it down to a crisp 3 lbs wich is only .5lbs heavier than i set my remington triggers at. the rifle wears glass that is priced more than the rifle itself and may be the reason i get the results i do. i truly belive that you cant shoot for darn without good glass. if you have to compromise always try and save some money on the rifle purchase. youl be rewarded by putn that money saved back into the glass. im kinda true beliver that you cant go wrong by buying the glass first. that way if you spend to much your always forced to skimp on how much you spend on the rifle instead of the other way around. this could be any caliber and rifle desing and make it all kinda comes down to the individual shooter and there needs and wants. these are just my exsperinces over the short time ive been getting to kow my rifle. along with a few others i have. Evan |