I've been busy today
Was messing around today.
Got to thinking about the videos where you see the guide turn his spotting scope sideways for the client to use as a rest. Figured hey, if that works why not right off of the tripod. It was a good idea but not steady. I'm not about to get prone behind the 338 Winny either. I can only imagine what a collar bone sounds like as it parts. Then I got a bright idea from what I saw on someone's shooting sticks. Here it is. Please forgive the way the Winny looks. I'm about to finish it up. Been "taming" it. It's pretty nice to shoot now but I can't duplicate the 3 consecutive .5xx something groups @ 200 yds, a couple of weeks ago. Got finished with it after dark30 so will have to wait till Monday to shoot it.
On the other hand................she had warts |