What Caliber For Accuracy At 500 yards?
After my last thread I desided to research a few more calibers, and now I am just really confused.
What I want is accuracy at 500 yeards, like competition accurate. But also go and shoot up varmit too, seems we always have a wind of 10-15 km/h kinda breeze all the time. While I know its more then the caliber that makes this, it does have a bearing on it. I like Savages and the accutrigger and figure its my best buy, and every year I can get it smithed to be a bit better even. 22-250, I figure this can do it. 308, I know can do, as I used to have one. 25-06, can do it, but harder to find info on. 223, can do it, but its kinda like the 22-250 still a bit small I think. and it seems everything else is pretty big. One of my past worries was protection in bear country, but I cleaned up my pops 300 win mag and it looks great, put 6 shots into a 1' ground at 150 yeards, and the feed works great, its an old remington. I figure with a good factory load this round would be more then enough to stop a bear. I am sure I have missed some that might be the best even, but I am still learning lots. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. |