setting up my reloading bench
just picked up free RCBS press, the bigger one. i knew the guys i used to work for had one laing out behind theyre lumber yard so i went and stole it today, yeah i told them i was stealing it.
i broke the last rcbs becyae i wasnt useing enough case lube, okay i wasnt useing any case lube at the time. lesson learned. im off to get to cutn and set up my reloading bench. building from scratch. i left the last reloading bench in the other house bacause it was kinda built into the wall. this one will be free standing but beefy. all 2x4 construction. then maybe tonight i can get some loading done. ive got some 75gr seiras to try in the 2506 75vmax and i need another stash of 100gr nolser balistic tips loaded up for this comeing deer season. just tonight i rounded up all my powders and bullets. and ive got quite the stash of 224 and 25 bullets and a few 140gr 277 bts left. bout 4 difrent powders aswell. powder keeps appearing from every corner of my the closet and out in the shed. hmmmmm i should keep better track of that stuff. one powder i didnt find is my h414 i bought this to try in my old 220 and was pretty stoked that i had now that i have a 220 again, gr darnet ohhwell. Evan |