The worst about katrina, is coming now
I posted this on another board yesterday. I think that most have not yet grasped the importance of what is going to happen to one of our most basic rights. The way this is playing out, they way the Government waited until just the right moment, the way the media has played its part in sensationalizing the Katrina affair, and the bleating of the sheep, wanting protection from any and everything, is freightning.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Most folks missed the important thing about Katrina. None of the Media, or politicians (duh!) have mentioned it. Now, we are seeing the first glimpse of the dawn of our worst nightmare. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050917/..._military_role Notice the clever way the Feds used existing law to explain why they did not leap into the fray? Now, with the usual deafening bleet from the frightned sheep, the Feds are going to 'look into' getting rid of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. and adding teeth to the Civil War-era Insurrection Act, that allows President's to bypass normal law, and 'send in the Troops'. Since the folks are asking, ney, DEMANDING increased Federal response, we are darn sure going to get it. Course, then it will be up to the Feds alone, to decide when to act. I can almost hear the death knell of States Rights." -------------------- Mannlicher-Schoenauer Nemo Me Impune Lacesset It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Slavery has so frightful an aspect to men accustomed to freedom,that it must steal in upon them by degrees and must disguise itself in a thousand shapes in order to be received. David Hume,1742
May the Bonnie Blue wave forever Nemo Me Impune Lacesset |