please tell me i dont have to trim,
sized and preped 40 cases this evening in 220.
got em all prepped and decided to do a dummy round to get the seating depth. i wanted to be just off the land. what i did was set the seating die to factory hornady 60gr shell then backed it off quite abit. opend the action on the #1 and dropped the shell in, the bullet was visibly contacting you could definatly tell dug it out with my finger and nudged the bullet down alittle more. dropped it back in then nudged it down. did this till it dropped all the way in and closed the action. action closed real stiff. i figured that was normal and the lands were seating the bullet alittle farther. after getting the action all the way closed i pulled the shell out and knudged the bullet down a hair more thinking id be just off the lands. closed the action on it again and it was still pretty stiff. without realy looking at the bullet i kept nudgeing it down and trying it. then all the sudden i realized it looked like it was a 35gr bullet in big case. so im now scrathing my head, going hmmmmmm. i then tried a epty sized case. action closed hard on it to. this sent me to reading the resizeing die set up directions again. went through the set up precedure and reset the die. ran another case through it and tried it empty in the action still the action closed firm. at this point im startn to wonder if im just getting alittle anal. so i chamber the factory live round, goes smooth as silk. all i can come up with is my cases may need to be trimmed. these are ounce fired frontier cases. i never came across this with the 270wsm or my 2506 im hopeing the cases can get by atleast a few loadings before i junk em and get new brass. any ideas and info would be greatly appreciated thanks Evan |