Game Carts
Hey folks,
Was wondering if anybody has used or is using a gamecart in their deer hunting gear? Saw an ad from a local shop in the mail and have been considering if I do nail the non-typical bruiser that I have been chasing the past couple of seasons just how I'd get that bad boy down to my truck (besides quartering it! ) I track a good mile and a half before I hit my section of woods and then another two miles back into the thick stuff. I know I wouldn't want or couldn't drag it in all of the thick stuff but even to have one stowed at a good half way point should I be successful sure seems alot better to me than doing the ol' mule drag set-up with the cut timberpole from deadfall affixed to some parachute shock cord from the gunnysack. I was thinking that a collapsible model might be a good carrier to the woods for my stand, bow, and gear secured by ratchet straps. Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks. |