I bought 100 rounds of Starlite brass in 7.62 X25mm I loaded it with Accurate No. 7, 6.8 grains, a CCI 500 primer and a Hornady 86 grain round nose. All seemed to work fine shot well pristol functioned well no complaints. Then I went to reload it again. More than half of the primer pockets were so large that I could not get a primer to seat. So I called Starline and told them the story that I have just related. They told me that I must have done something wrong like too much powder or had a small rifle primer in place of the small pistol. I said that I do not think so but would check so I did and the load was as I stated. Made a second call to Starlite and explained the stituation again was again told it was loader error. I guess I'll be trying to reload Sellor Bellot or Fiocchi from now on it sure won't be that soft junk from Starlite.