Limited Licences
My brother and I have not drawn any of the limited licences we are in drawings for, exept those that we worked up to with points. We started in 1999 and things have changed, the people putting in now have a lot less chance than when we started doing it. CO, WY, AZ, and Maine have changed rules, and it is just looking tougher and tougher. The buisness of hunter applications is growing but not telling people how the odds are changing. In the sheep unit I applied for in CO 39 people had 3 points last year and are not in the drawing with 3 points. 48 of us non-residents tried for 1 tag, next year it could alnost be twice the odds. 21 people had been trying for 9 years, it is a lotterry after 3 years, all are in with more chances as you are in longer. I am in for moose in WY and this year a preference point is up from $7 to $75 as I hear it, I have not recieved the apps yet. I see why WY sees the need, I think less than 100 tags and thousands of people with preference points, not much chance they will ever get a tag, also less moose tags and less success than when I started applying. Maine had an extra name in the hat for each year you applied, now just buy extra names. It sure seems like things have turned into a buisness of getting tags.