this was supposed to be in the thread about pet peeves with the manners section don't know how i got here. the wife says i shouldn't be allowed on the computer without adult supervision. i have to agree with everyone. i'm 34 yrs old and started hunting around 13. you don't find much in the way of manners on public or private ground. i hunt mostly public anymore if you desent to me i'll be the same and go out of my way to help if you need it. but if your an jacka** i'll most of the time walk away, guns and anger don't mix. i know i'll never do anything, but now a days people just don't think. about the killing part if i was to judge my succes by the number of kills i've made i pretty much suck. i'm there to see sunrises,sunsets andthe wonders of nature. now i sound like a greeting card. i'd rather hunt with a so-so hunter with manners and a good sense of humor than a world class hunter that doesn't know a hill of beans about manners. sorry i rambled on, but this is something i've been running into lately.
Last edited by swampdogg; 01-30-2006 at 06:26 PM.