barrel life
Just got me a new M77 in 22-250. Have shot some factory ammo using 40 gr Nosler BT's. The accuracy was great but the published velocity is around a screaming 4100 fps. Worked up some of my own loads using 34 gr of Varget and the same 40gr BT's. These chronograph around 3600fps, but are very very accurate. I guess I need some opinions. I will be shooting this thing a lot at prarie dogs. Probably around 2500 rounds per year. Am I going to gain much in barrel life by using my accurate mild handload at 3600 fps? Admittedly, I would be reducing the performance of this 22-250 to around that of a 223 Rem. I feel if I wanted 223 performance I should have just bought a 223. What say you guys? Should I let her rip at high velocity and forget about barrel life or load er down and try to get another year or two out of the barrel. I guess the pdogs wouldnt know the difference between 3600 fps and 4100 fps either way!