First Yote.
Finally took the time to get the pictures off the camera.
Went out in hoping to shoot some woodchucks. Me and my buddy Ryan went out to his farm. Walked around the edges of the feilds and didn't see anything. It was a perfect sunny 70 degress with barley any wind. You'd think we at least would find some chucks. Anyways, we heard some turkey and decided to sit, looking across the big open field. Wanted to see if any toms were in the group of turkeys. We heard them gobbling. Not even 5 minutes later I see this coyote go to the direction of the turkeys. She was prolly 300-350 when I 1st spotted her. She went into the woods and I told my buddy to open my back back since I had my Fox pro in it. We turned it on and waited. It was just like in the predator calling videos. I was laying down in hoping I could see over the corn stalks with my bipod. Ryan whispered "Here it comes." I finally caught movement at the end of the feild about 250 yards. Ryan turned the Foxpro off and she hualed butt to our direction. I ended up taking her around 60 yards. Shot her straight on. Was using a 50gr Vmax. She was reaching around bitting her exit wound. Guts were hanging out. The hole was HUGE so I though she was done for. Got up off the ground and Ryan came out from under the tree. Headed to the direction of the coyote since it just went down but still bitting her wound. I know coyotes are tough, but I didn't think they were built like this. Once she seen us, she got up like nothing even hit her. I could barley get my gun off my shoulder. She was high tailing to the woods. I fired 2 shots and missed. She was GONE like a bat outta hell. I was amazed how she ran like she did with guts hanging out. I thought there would be more blood. Tracking was easy threw the corn. Once we got into the woods it got very, very difficult. We found tiny drops of blood here and there. We lost the blood after the woods turned into leaves. We couldn't find nothing, noda, zip! Only good thing, this patch of woods we were in was about 10 arces. So we walked the woods to try to find anymore signs of blood. We looked and looked, NOTHING. We walked on the outside of the woods to see if she went to the next patch of woods. Nothing, no blood. It was hot, so we decided to put out guns down and only take my Ruger .22. We walked the woods again, searching everywhere and anywhere. Looking under fallin trees, rock pikes and searching for holes. Nothing again. We were ready to give up after 2hrs of searching. My buddy Ryan walked by a huge fallin tree. "I got blood" he said. I came rushing over there. It looked like old dried up blood. Only one drop of blood too. The fallin tree was hallow. He looked inside and said "It's in there." Hell, it must of been up there 10feet. I watched the hole while Ryan walked down the tree to where the coyote was about. Jumping up and down the tree snapped in half. Nothing ran out of it. Right where the tree snapped the coyote butt was showing. Couldn't have gotten any better. We nudged it and it growled. The .22 put it down. I was pretty disgusted about that. I believe I some how pulled the shot and made a gut shot. How I did that? I have no clue. We pulled it out and finds out it was a female. Disgusted again about that. She was flea and tick infested!!! Never seen so many ticks and fleas. She was small and weighed around 25-30 I believe. We could see the exit hole. Was a good 6-8"s. Guts were hanging out. I don't see how she ran like she did. I'm not going to put any exit pictures, it's pretty bad. Was my 1st yote coming into the caller. Was a hell of a rush. |