another letter to editor
It is amazing to me how so many people can fail to connect the dots on the Illegal immigrant issue. I will make this short and sweet. If the citizens of this nation do not put their foot down everyday with this issue, it will continue to swell and fester. I read where the political “powers that be” do not have the inclination to step up to the plate on this problem. What they don’t have is forethought or courage. They also don’t read the papers. Now let me take you back a couple of weeks to a little known protest in Miami. If memory serves me which it does because I watched it with “forethought” was the janitors union that sat in tents on US 1 for weeks, until they got what most ‘United States” citizens still don’t have, higher pay, insurance and a host of other demands. Mark my words, if we do nothing these so-called Unions will be popping up all over the country representing illegals demanding wages and benefits that most “Americans” don’t have. Then the argument that” illegals” do the work that “Americans won’t do” will be thrown out the window. By then it will be too late.
nothing like the smell of chanel and gunpowder in the morning |