Yes controlled hunting is the answer.Yes, Allen is correct on this, although management entails much more than killing (that's been one of the problems for the last 150 years).
Another problem is that urban/suburban areas are generally populated by people who have no understanding of wildlife, and are generally against hunting e.g. the chickens in Key West.The more urbanized the country gets, the more bunny huggers you end up with it seems. I support a closed border 100% and I can appreciate the humor of the "gators at the border". But put yourself in the shoes of a starving Mexican who's been ripped off by the government, the church, and the criminals of his native country.Would you choose to stay home and starve or make the gamble and swim the gator infested waters? A war with Mexico makes more sense than war with Iraq........ Last edited by drummer; 05-24-2006 at 12:02 PM. |