John, the entry through Capetown is not the same as Johanesburg. My hunting buddy had his rifle and shotgun passed through without checking in Joburg. He stayed in transit to Namibia. I had to check the gun on arriving and again on departing CapeTown. Very similar to the arrival into the states in Atlanta. I would recommend not going through Capetown. Direct into Namibia or through Johannesburg is best. Saps form 520 can be downloaded and filled out ahead of time just in case you are checked on entering RSA. The Namibian police form for rifle import/export is very simple and can be down loaded from NAPHA website. I hunted on a farm. I had opportunities to go on two additional farms but did not have transportation to do so. I could have killed warthogs and ostrich for free. I did shoot my Gemsbok on a farm next to the one I was hunting on since we could not find one early on. I did see a good bull later after the fact. I will try to post pictures here if I can figure out how.