best squirrel rifle?
I would like to hear everyones opinion on what they think is the best squirrel rifle ever made. I am not talking about a target .22, they are usually too heavy to tote all over the place, and to slow to get into action. I mean a squirrel rifle. I am planning to buy myself a really good one. I have, and have had a lot of .22 rifles. Marlin 60s, Win. 190, 10/22s, single shots, autos, bolt guns. They have all been o.k. and have all been used to kill a pile of squirrels, but they all had so so to poor triggers, and not much class. My current go to rifle is a savage mark II bolt action, fair trigger, accurate, but plastic stock, and plain jane as a potato. I am leaning towards an auto, maybe a T/C classic and especially looking at the Remington 552 speedmaster, always loved those. Anyone got either of those? These are just two ideas I had, I would be glad to hear any suggestions. My criteria are that it be able to mount a scope, not plastic stocked, not extreeemly pricey, and reasonably light and handy. I am a forty year old man so no kiddie guns please. Thanks.