Wyoming Mule Deer
Here's a picture of my opening day buck in SW Wyoming. Saw this one the night before and left him alone in hopes that he would be there the next day. Hiked in and got in a position the next morning so we could glass the hill we saw him on. Grunted a small bucks within 30 yards early and had fun with them. Didn't know a mulie would respond to a grunt like that. Didn't see anything so I decided to climb the canyon wall and push the timber back down toward the other two guys I was hunting with. Got about two thirds of the way up, started shedding some clothes and saw him skirting the hill at the top of the canyon. Hit the grunt and he stopped instantly looking down to see where it came from. Ranged him twice at 353 and decided he was good enough to take the shot. One shot through the lungs put him down. Used a Remington 700 Classic in .300 Savage with a 130gr. Barnes XLC. It was about the extent of my range, but he was in a hurry and there wasn't much opportunity to get closer without losing him in the cedar trees. All worked out pretty well.