Another Flinter "On the Heap."
Ah, where to begin?
Last Saturday night I watched Robert Redford for the umpteenth time in "Jeremiah Johnston." The next day, Sunday, after church, I went to an NRA Training Counselor's home to take the NRA muzzleloader instructor exam to get the ML certification for what I have been instructing for 40 years. I scored a 98% and a 100% on the tests. As I was leaving, the Counselor said, I have a .50 caliber Hawken flinter and a big box of stuff to take to the gun show next month in Morris, PA. I looked at the gun and the big box of plunder, made an offer and the gun and plunder came home with me. Yes, I needed another flinter and happily cleaned the gun, sorted the plunder and incorporated all the acquired stuff into my "Heap." I think I have enough flints, patches, ball, lube and powder to see me through the rest of my life and/or Hillary's Presidency. Adam
Adam Helmer |