Buidling your own stakes
Take some 1/4-1/2 thread rod. Cut it to what ever length you like. I usually cut all mine between 18"-24". Then, you take 2 appropriate size nuts and washers. At one end tighten the washers between the 2 nuts . I usually leave about 1/4" of thread sticking out of the top to "mushroom" down after beeing pounded into solid earth a few times. I normally use 2 or 3 washers stacked between the nuts to make them more rigid. I also use PLENTY of permenant loc-tite on the threads. To speed things up I'll place the end with the washers and nuts in salt water to corode the whole assemby to sore of lock them all into place. This is one istance where rust is a good thing.
On the other end I cut the threaded rod at an angle, file it to a point and that's it.