Need Help Finding Bullets for 7-30 Waters
Could someone please let me know if there is anywhere or anyone that has some .284 cal Flat Nose bullets. I need either 120 gr. Sierra Gameking BTSP-FN like Federal loads for the 7-30 Waters or Nosler 120gr. FP #28121. The Fed. factory loads will shoot about a 2" group at 100 yds and thats ok but my Super 16 likes IMR 3031 powder. I pulled 5 bullets out of the factory ammo and put 32gr 3031 and seated the bullet 5 thousandths off the lands which this barrel likes and shot a .62 with the 5 hand loads. So if anyone knows where either of these can be purchased or if anyone has some to sell please let me know.
Thanks so much Benny
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