Dove season opener was a bust !
Well, yesterday was basically a bust...there were not many birds to begin with and the occasional single or double that did fly followed flight paths along treelines, etc, that did not include my location in a cut section of a corn field.
Got up at 5:30 in the morning, met my party, drove 100 miles down to this particular farm, got there at 9:30am to try and get a good spot and had to fight for parking space even though the season didn't open until noon...must have been 150-200 people there yesterday. After sitting in a bad location for hours with other shooters 40-50 yards around me in all directions, I shot at a total of 5 high flying doves out of plain frustration, streamed a lot of feathers off of one and he glided down into corn 100yards away, didn't touch a hair on the other four. Anyhow, got down and back without any wrecks or tickets, and it was good just to get the hunting season started...
"Flintlocks.......The Real Deal" (Claims that 1:48" twists won't shoot PRBs accurately are old wives tales!!) |