Wyoming moose story
The third day of a 4 day hunt, last week of a 75 day season, 2:30 in the afternoon. After a fruitless day of looking for any kind of game, we were in the jeep traveling across miles of sage, going up to another patch of trees. Mule deer started to show up out of the sage, and then a cow moose and a calf about a half mile away drop below a ridge. We drive up to the top of a rise and those two are running to our left about 200 yards away with a bull moose behind them. I jump out of the jeep, sit down in front, and get a shell in and safety off. First shot I lead him about a foot, he runs and I shoot at him quartering away, third shot away from me a little down hill, farther away now, but he slows down. I stand and tell Jim, my unpaid moose guide that I think I hit him, he agrees and says I hope he is dead. I tell him I only have two more shells, he says in your pocket, I tell him no, with me. We go out and look for this bull and see his antlers in the sage moving around. I try a shot from a rest when I see the back of his head, and he drops the head. I think great, I got him, but then his head goes back up. I tell Jim to move around him and get him to stand, I shoot when the bull stands up, and he still stands, but then goes down. A 40 inch Wyoming bull is just fine. I paid my dues with 8 years of applications and a bow hunt slash scouting trip in September. Met a great guy in September who let me stay at his house, and lined me up with his buddy Jim, who I was with the day of the kill.
Born twice,die once! |