Digital Scales - Any good?
Reloading these 22 Hornets and K-Hornets is wearing me out!
Not that I shoot that many, but given the small powder charge that's required I find myself weighing every 5th charge or so. My powder measure gets me close, but I keep finding small variances. With a 22 Hornet, a 10th of a grain one way or another can make a difference. I'm thinking of throwing in the towel and going to a digital scale. With one of those puppies - I figure - I can pour-on some 4227 then trickle up to the required amount faster than I can with my poise beam. Doing it in that manner I hope to weigh every charge in less time then it's currently taking. But wait ... didn't I hear that digital scales are anything but accurate? What's a guy to do (actually I'm thinking of buying Cabela's digital scale for $80.00)! Will it really be any faster? Do those electric thingies actually work? |