Yes so true A to M. As Frasier would say, people do listen. No excuse for letting the fingers talk before my brain was awake and I spoke of Huck instead of Richardson. OOps...I do think Huckleberry (as our favorite story teller calls him) did well with the tax relief he promised while governor. He at least followed through with his promise to the people unlike our Pa goobernor. Two times elected by I still can't figure out who (gamblers) and we are still waiting for property tax relief. (But we are getting casinos) I guess that would be a plus for Ole Huck. Just about any Republican but McCain is not the man for our President. I don't like his stand on the second for one. Too soft. Juli? Na. As for the dems, it is just a race to be a first. First woman or first black man. That is all. In the later, I think the VP will be an important factor. Richardson is one that has dropped out and is the one I was seeing as wanting to be VP to Clinkton. Maybe since he worked for them he figured he had a chance but is still suckin up to all the be VP? Gotta watch who is VP if dems get elected.