Skunk stew???
Before I left Germany, my daughter and I were watching an old re-run of Happy Days. The one where the Cunninghams help run the dude-ranch. Richie starts out rambeling about the fact that pioneers used to eat skunk........."Yeah, that's right bucko, I said P-U skunk!" When the guest were moaning that the food was beans, again, because Al couldn't get the steer roasted.
Funny..............I thought. But my daughter looked at me and simply asked, "Really?" I quickly said , "No way." But was I a liar? Has a brave soul found a way to munch the smelly animals without, some how, setting off the stink? I really doubt it, but as y'all know, I am wrong from time to time. Jon
I tell you I don't get no respect. Why, the surgeon general, he offered me a cigarette. (Rodney) |