I totally agree with the vehicle use argument.We have a mid size car that gets 32 mpg that I hate to drive but do when going any distance.When the whole family(3 kids)goes to the city for supplies we take the bus(Suburban)because it will hold all of us and groceries etc. SAFELY and in comfort.
I don't drive my Ford diesel unless I'm hauling cattle or NEED it for work even tho it's respectable on fuel.My minor ranch related driving that requires a pickup is done with an old Ranger 1/4 ton. Having said that,I can't run the baler with the car or ranger,and pay almost the same price for farm fuel. On alternative fuels... if you had an elevator full of wheat @ $5 a bushel,and an elevator full of modified wheat @ $2.50 would you clean out the $5 wheat before selling the $ 2.50 wheat? you don't feed the new grain til the old grain is gone,especially when it was twice as much per bushel. that's another "Canadian" perspective,might not apply to US folks. (I still think politicians are a pack of self serving liars and thieves...but thats just my opinion.)
A shootin iron is a tool used for shootin much like a branding iron is a tool used for branding |