What is a Luger worth?
A neighbor inheirited his dad's Luger and came by for an opinion.
I was planting potatoes in my garden last Saturday when Mike stopped by. I looked at the P-08 and gave him a range of values. He just left a gunshop and was offered substantially less for the VG pistol. Mike does not like handguns much and said he wanted a "neat farm rifle." I showed him a Yugo 48A, a Swiss K31 and an SKS. He opted to shoot the SKS on my backyard range and offered a swap-straight up IF I tossed in a chest bandoleer and 100 rounds of Ball on stripper clips. Yes, he got his heart's desire and I got a "1937" dated Luger, holster and spare mag and that 9mm that shoots very good. Oh, I love it when the planets are all in alignment. Adam
Adam Helmer |