You guys want water?
You can have some of ours.
Besides the Mississippi being 4th highest in history some tow boat captain managed to let a full of grain barge come loose from its mooring and it crashed into 2 bridges near here. When it hit the railroad bridge it became wedged under it. They hooked a tow to it and pulled it free then the rope broke and it crashed into the bridge again. Last I heard they were going to sink it and check for damage to the bridge. All the coal trains that go through here , about every 20 minutes, are stopped. The current on that big river is pretty strong with the flood and all. Sinking that barge will hold back more of the water. Crest at Burlington was supposed to be this weekend. Now we have storms coming through. Yep yall can have some of this water. Not only that but all of the boat ramps in this area are under water too. Been wantin to go fishin anyway have a good one just |