flint arrowheads
don't know if this is the right place for this but i'll give it a whirl. i need to know if anybody knows of someone who has some indian arrowheads they would be willing to sell or if someone knows how to nap flint . i'm a den leader for my son's cub scout den and being poor and the hired help don't have much cash flow. the den just crossed over to webelos. 2 more yrs until they become boy scouts. at the end of their cub scout yrs a symbol of them earning their arrow of light (the highest award for a cub scout ) is an arrow with all of the colors of the different ranks they have went thru. i've got nine boys five have been there from the start. i'd love to make as an authentic native american arrow as i can. i'm going to cut the arrows use some turkey feathers, sinew the whole nine yards but i don't think i have the talent to nap the arrow heads. i problay need 10-12 some for back-ups and i do have one sister who is my "girl cub". she pays better attention than the boys and has done everything they have. so as far as i'm concerned she's one of mine i've got about a year and a half to do this in. it needs to be done by the blue and gold baquent in febuary. if anybody has some ideas i sure would like to hear from you sorry i got long winded thanks swampdogg