My old duty revolver on duty again.
In 1982 I attended S&W's Armorers School and built 5 Model 65 3-inch stainless .357 revolvers over the two-week course. All passed test fire and I was permitted to buy one at cost, which was about $152.00 at that time. Our agency allowed us to carry Personally Owned Weapons (POWs) if we qualified with then. I was the Firearms Coordinator (Instructor) at the time and naturally carried the M65 for many years on duty. I retired in 1996 and the M65 became a vault resident until last week.
I got out the old M65 and it still shot to the fixed sights with its accuracy load of 7.0/Unique and a 158 grain SWC hard cast bullet at 25 yards. I forgot how concealable it was in the old duty holster. I carry the M65 CCW when I am not carrying the old M1911 that was my backup gun on duty. I think revolvers still have their place for CCW. I like revolvers because there are no safties, decocking levers and whatnot to flip off before the gun goes into use. Also, revolvers can be employed with either hand quickly. I start all my handgun students on revolvers because anyone who shot a cap gun or water pistol can employ a DA revolver. Adam
Adam Helmer |