Old Sears Catalogs
Last weekend I visited a friend who never tosses anything out. The 84-year-old has a house that would double as a museum. He inheirited his grand parent's home from his parents and the family has lived there for over a century-get the picture?
As we sat in his living room chatting I noticed a big, thick Sears catalog from 1955. It was in as good condition as the 1954 and 1956 Sears catalogs nearby. The Sears Christmas Catalogs were also there to go with the year's catalogs. There were also Montgomery Ward's catalogs nearby. I looked through the 1955 catalog and was amazed at the rifles, pistols, shotguns and ammunition Sears used to sell. I saw ads for Winchester Model 70s in assorted calibers, Colt M1911A1 pistols and ammo ads with the advice, "Order your shotgun shells in conjunction with your friends to defray shipping costs." Yes, they were the Good Old Days....... Adam
Adam Helmer |