Now being the VP of our sportsmens club, I get asked quite often why we don't raise the dues enough that it will filter out the response to them is can be an assbutt and still have fact, what if they were the only ones that could afford to join?..well this is somewhat the same as .adding a buck or $5 to a round of ammo...guess they figure the bad guys not able to afford ammo?...If we would turn on the news in the morning and not have to hear about some poor soul that just was the nicest person but got shot standing on the druggie hangout corner at 3am...(another wrong place,wrong time) .and people hearing about shootings all the 'stop the guns' .....we will never stop crime with the soft hand we slap them fact some legal issues I have been dealing with is a nephew that stole my mothers (his grandmom) card and charged $11,000 worth of crap on has more rights than the lady that owns the card and they are wanting to pay the bill now..I am her Poa and she in nursing home and I asked credit card people why they not call someone when an 80 yr old woman is buying booze and paying for lap dances at a nude bar and make sure is ok..they say...'can't give you that information'..favorite words..can't give you that information...the crooks have more rights than the honest people..where are the lawyers???????...I mean the ones to help the good guys..oh and they will probably just write off as a loss and nephew walk free..with $11g worth of stuff...