2009 Iowa Dove Bill
Everyone who wishes to have the opportunity to hunt doves in Iowa, Your Urgent & Consistent
message of Support for the Iowa Dove Bill should be sent to all members of the committee as soon as possible. I would strongly encourage everyone to draft their own letter in support of the Dove Bill and e mail every Senator on the list provided. Please include your own senator from your district in the e mail process. Please include your county if you will. Please pass this letter along to your hunting partners and ask them to help by sending e mails. Print this letter and make copies and put it up at your local gun shop, sport shop and trap range. I would also encourage that the letter you compose be saved to your PC, so that you could utilize it at least once a week in a repeat mailing campaign. This will allow you to send your letter of support with very little effort involved. You may consider the mailing campaign on a more frequent basis if you wish or as often as you can. Every bit of effort counts and everyone's support is necessary. Again this is another year we have a chance to voice our Support for the Iowa Dove Bill SF25. Special Note: I ask that everyone send an e mail letter to Senator Dick Dearden, thanking him for his efforts on the Dove Bill. A BILL FOR 1 An Act allowing the establishment of an open season for hunting 2 mourning doves. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 1764SS 83 5 av/nh/14 PAG LIN 1 1 Section 1. Section 481A.48, subsection 1, Code 2009, is 1 2 amended to read as follows: 1 3 1. No A person, except as otherwise provided by law, shall 1 4 not willfully disturb, pursue, shoot, kill, take or attempt to 1 5 take or have in possession any of the following game birds or 1 6 animals except within the open season established by the 1 7 commission: Gray or fox squirrel, bobwhite quail, cottontail 1 8 or jackrabbit, duck, snipe, pheasant, goose, woodcock, 1 9 partridge, mourning dove, coot, rail, ruffed grouse, wild 1 10 turkey, pigeons, or deer. The seasons, bag limits, possession 1 11 limits, and locality shall be established by the department or 1 12 commission under the authority of sections 456A.24, 481A.38, 1 13 and 481A.39. 1 14 EXPLANATION 1 15 This bill authorizes the natural resource commission to 1 16 establish an open season for hunting mourning doves. 1 17 LSB 1764SS 83 1 18 av/nh/14 Senate Natural Resource Committee Members E - Mail Contact info Dick L. Dearden (D, District 34), Chair e-mail dick.dearden@legis.state.ia.us Tom Hancock (D, District 16), Vice Chair e-mail tom.hancock@legis.state.ia.us James F. Hahn (R, District 40), Ranking Member e-mail james.hahn@legis.state.ia.us Merlin Bartz (R, District 6) No Contact info Dennis H. Black (D, District 21) e-mail dennis.black@legis.state.ia.us Joe Bolkcom (D, District 39) e-mail joe.bolkcom@legis.state.ia.us Gene Fraise (D, District 46) e-mail gene.fraise@legis.ia.us David Johnson (R, District 3) e-mail david.johnson@legis.state.ia.us Steve Kettering (R, District 26) e-mail steve.kettering@legis.state.ia.us Larry Noble (R, District 35) e-mail larry.noble@legis.state.ia.us Amanda Ragan (D, District 7) e-mail amanda.ragan@legis.state.ia.us Brian Schoenjahn (D, District 12)e-mail brian.schoenjahn@legis.state.ia.us Dr. Joe M. Seng (D, District 43) e-mail joe.seng@legis.state.ia.us Again I wish to thank everyone for their Time, their Help & their Support for the Iowa Dove Bill! Sincerely, William J. Smith Sioux City Iowa FHD101@AOL.COM 712-253-0362
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