Who likes the 9mm for CCW?
I am amazed at the assortment of 9mm ammo (and other caliber ammo) available, for the time being, for CCW. I bought and carried a Glock 19 as a duty arm in 1989 and carried it until I retired in 1996. Our duty load was the 147 grain JHP "Deep Penetrator" made by Winchester. Accuracy was pretty good and there were 15 rounds in the magazine-what was not to like?
The .45 ACP is very popular here among the CCW guys. The women CCW people I know like the .38 Special in small revolvers, and a few others carry 9mm or .380 semi-autos. I carry the old Glock 19 occasionally CCW and the M1911 more often. Today, I shot an old P-38 I got years ago and ran some current-day 9mm ammo through the pistol. To my surprise, all ammo was on, or VERY Near, point of aim at 25 yards from the bench. I can see me carrying this P-38 CCW in the near future in lieu of the Glock 19. I like the 9mm, loaded right. Adam
Adam Helmer |