What is your favorite handgun?
My good friend Mr. 16 gauge asked, "What is your least practical handgun?" The flip side has to be "What is your favorite handgun?"
We all have likes and dislikes. I really have "a fork-in-the-road" here. A wise man once said, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." Ok, I did. I like both revolvers and semi-autos. I like old S&W revolvers and old Colt automatics. If pressed, I would take a Smith M27 or M28 and feel well served. My bedside comfort is a M1911 Colt. For my backyard plinking I shoot Ruger Mark I and Mark II .22 caliber semi-autos. I suppose in a free society it is ok to like lots of quality handguns. Who else has a favorite handgun? Adam
Adam Helmer |