Please Go Bang
Did a little deer hunting with Sally, my .54 cal Great Plains Rifle. Didn't get a shot, but I fired the rifle each night and cleaned her with Hoppes No 9 Black Powder solvent. I'm using Goex ffg. Well, 2 nights she didn't go off. One night was ok, because I was in rain all day and feel I didn't keep my powder dry like I should have. But the second time bothered me a bit. I have made an effort to ensure it goes off on first shot but I'll have to do better. I usually run a couple of dry patches thru, pop a cap or two, run another dry patch or two thru it before loading. I don't any oil on the nipple threads any more... I'm thinking I might need to run a pipe cleaner thru the ignition tunnel (what's it called?) after popping a cap.
Real black powder seems to be more of a challenge. I suppose on wet days I could go to substitutes (Pyrodex or Triple 7) but I'm wanting to come close to what our ancestors went thru.
Any tips / suggestions to make sure she goes bang first time would be welcome.