Remington 581 bolt action
I found a lovely Model 581 sitting on a used gun rack and took it home. A good cleaning revealed a perfect bore. I stained the stock to my liking, mounted a scope and went to the range yesterday. It is a real shooter but tended to misfire 40 percent of the time. I called my gunsmith and was able to drop off the bolt. I thought it just needed a good cleaning. Wrong. The firing pin was misaligned from the factory. I was tempted to contact Remington to have them correct their defect in materials and/or workmanship. The gunsmith said that could take months and he could fix the bolt this week. I will pick it up next week.
My gunsmith says he spends a lot of time fixing new guns that are not right. He says he does not see too many older guns with factory defects. Guess it is a sign of the times. Take care... Joe |