Some Oklahoma Hogs
SW Oklahoma is over run with wild hogs. i hunt them at least one day per week every month of the year, usually with a .50 muzzleloader. Here are two that were killed recently. The sow went about 140 pounds on the hoof. The spotted boar went about 175 pounds. The sow was running full tilt at about 90 yards when hit . She was DRT. The boar was standing broadside at about 120 yards. He was hit behind the shoulder. At the shot the boar took off, ran about 75 yards and hit the dirt. The bullet shredded the heart, lungs and diaphram. The exit hole was about 3/4".
Gun: Encore Scope: Zeiss 4x32 Conquest Bullet: 250 grain SST in Low Drag sabot Powder: 110 grains of Goex 3F Pinnacle Primer: Winchester shotgun |