Battle of Bushy Run
The Battle of Bushy Run had another successful re-enactment by the ever helping volenteers and re-enactors. Without them/us this place would be (to make a pun) HISTORY. I hope you enjoy this pictoral:
http://proimagespa.com/slideshow/bushyrun2/ OOPS!! As of 1/26/2014 the pis are kaput. Sorry. You can go to http://bushyrunbattlefield.com/Tours.html and check their site out. It's a nice time at see history.
*I started hunting when I was young. Yeah, I saw "BAMBI", but , I got over it. ** A hunter never apologizes to his prey; He just thanks it for the contest. ***What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. --Thomas Jefferson Last edited by Mad_Jack; 01-26-2014 at 04:56 PM. Reason: Pics pulled out |