Oh noooo - wrong sex!
My hunting partner and I were on the Grand Mesa in CO couple of weeks ago hunting for mulies with anterless tags. Snow on the ground so we were tracking along and spotted a couple of deer at 150 - 200 yds off in the trees. I didn't have binos or scope but my friend did so I got him to look at them. He decided they were does so I told him to take the shot. He made a great shot, thru the shoulder at that distance with a .308. Dropped that deer basically on the spot. Problem was - it was a little 1 x 2. After field dressing it and dragging it down the mountain (1 - 2 miles) he called the game warden. Bottom line: fine was approx $80 and the GW took the deer. He also received 5 pts. In CO you get 20 pts in 5 yrs before they take your license for a while. After the ticket, he got another anterless tag and continued to hunt. Not too bad - being honest is the only way to go.