I spoke of the grizz up in the mountains on the scattergun thread
If any of you come up to Northwest Wyoming hunting this fall.. Be aware the grizzlies are being a real pain in the arse. We've had a spate of outright attacks, run by swipings and stalking this year..more than others . The Fish and Game seems to try to keep it squelched for some odd reason.. A friend I hunt with is hunting in an area I have no license for and he has sighted grizzlies almost every day while elk hunting.. Different bears too or so he thinks. I was up in the area and grizz tracks are everywhere..separated by a little bit... black bear tracks too.. I thought about buying a license for black bears but never had a hankering to kill one. I see them quite often in that area.. Spooky critters though. Back to the grizz..A fellow I know was hunting up in area 58(Elk area) and a grizz came running up from behind.. Knocked him down swiped him with a paw and took off again.. No real damage other than a few claw marks, bruises and a slight concussion.. But I think it took a while to clean up his drawers..woulda taken a couple of days to clean me up..LOL..The same fellow told me also he is seeing wiolves most every day in the same area.. Last year we only saw 2. A bow hunter friend was stalked by 5 wolves while bugling for elk last month..anda few days later by a grizz in the same area..he quit hunting with the bow...he carried a handgun but didn't think a 44 was quite enough for a grizzly up close and personal..
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |