Good to go!
You know.. I never used to be one of those people that would wait until the last minute to practice, but with how things have been with work, chores, and play, I just haven't found the time to shoot. Of course I've been shooting carp and suckers all summer with the recurve, but last night I set up my new target and decided to break out the Z7 and shoot a few arrows to get into tune for the upcoming season in 3 weeks.
Attached is a picture of my first 3 shots of the season and at 30 yards. The first shot was a 10X right where I was holding, the next two right there. I heard the 3rd arrow hit and thought, "hope I didn't smash an arrow" Upon walking up to the target, this is what I find. Heck I didn't even know you could Robin Hood an arrow with carbons, but I guess anything is possible. There goes $25 down the tube. I grab another arrow, shot 3 more series of 2 resulting in smacking arrows again. I decided to call it a night after 9 shots at 30 yards before I trashed any more arrows. Guess I need to back up to 40 and 50 before it starts getting too expensive. Pretty cool... I've done it with aluminums in the past, but this is my first carbon Robin Hood. Gonna be a good season..I must still have it
Perfect Practice Makes Perfect |