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Old 06-04-2005, 01:53 PM
Esox357 Esox357 is offline
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In your experience if it shoots good at

Greetings, In your experience if a load shot well at 75 yards will it open up much at 100 yards? The reason for my question is that I shot a three shot group with my 06 at 75 yards...........all holes touched!
I figured it will open slightly at most, but hoping it stays near this accuracy or as tight. I shot this out of my Rem 700 ADL and it was the best group I have gotten yet. I know I still need to try it at 100 yards and get more groups shot, but its a start.
The load I used was 55.5 grains of H414, Win Brass, Win Lg Primer, and 165 gr. Hornady BTSP (Interlock). Esox357
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Old 06-04-2005, 03:02 PM
gumpokc gumpokc is offline
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It should not open up much, but the further out you fire, the more small differences will show up.

they may stick to holes touching since 25 yards is not that much difference, especially to a scoped, well sighted in rifle.
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Old 06-05-2005, 10:34 AM
L. Cooper L. Cooper is offline
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The use of 100 yards as a "measure" of accuracy is just a convention for comparison, and the distance seems about right for practicality of range construction. It is easy to see with a good scope where you're hitting, and it's not too far to walk repeatedly during a session.

But the truth is that longer distances reveal more about the accuracy, or lack of it, that your load and rifle will produce. There is also no substitute for shooting at very long range to prove what is going on, and for the practice it provides.

Having said that, a good group at 75 will most likely be a good group at 100 or even 300 yards. You just can't be certain of anything without actually shooting at those ranges. A comparison of different loads at 75 yards would certainly have validity at 75 yards.
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Old 06-05-2005, 07:30 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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I have had the problem you mentioned with .30-06 ammo years ago. I was haveing the problem with very lite bullets, 90 to 125 gn. I could shoot very good groups at 50 and 75 yrds but at 100 they were up to 3in. and at 150 you could not keep them on an 8 1/2 x 11 in. sheet of paper. I fired this ammo is several different gun and it was the same in all of them. I figured it was because I was over spinning the bullet, but with a 165 gn. bullet that would not be the problem. There is no good reason that your gun should not hold good groups with this bullet unless the gun just doesn`t like them.
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Old 06-08-2005, 03:55 PM
Esox357 Esox357 is offline
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Thanks guys for your input, I will post back when I get a chance to shoot them at 100 yards and 200. Most of my shots and how I hunt will be most likely shorter than 100, so it should still be a good hunting round for around here. Thanks again Esox357
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